Spiritual Gifts
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Our church believes in “every-member ministry.” The Scriptures clearly teach that God has equipped all believers with gifts for building up the whole body of Christ (see Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12-14, and Ephesians 4:7-16).
But before we can think of our gifts as something we have to give to others, we must remember that they are gifts we have received from God. They come to us as gifts of his grace. They’re not merely natural abilities or talents, much less psychological profiles, or a means to self-fulfillment.
In light of 1 Corinthians 12, they are gifts of God our Father and his exalted Son, given by grace, through the enabling and empowering Spirit, who sovereignly portions them out as he wills, for the good of the church.
These gifts vary from person to person, but the common goal of each gift is to glorify the Lord in and through serving others. If you’re not sure what gifts you have, check out one of the following spiritual gift surveys.
If you’re not already actively using your gifts to serve the church and the world, we’d love to help you get involved. Just speak to one of our leaders or send an email to info@redeemer.ch.

Take the Free Assessment
This free assessment is designed to help you discover God’s purpose in life. The assessment is based on your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences. Take the free assessment and discover your spiritual gifts and more!