The Hope and Power of the Resurrection 04/12/20 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Mark 16:1-8 | Speaker: Brian G. Hedges
Keys to Christian Contentment 03/29/20 (Sunday Morning) Bible Text: Psalm 131 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: Psalms for Times of Trouble
Hope for the Distressed 03/22/20 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Psalm 42 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: Psalms for Times of Trouble
The Message of the Gospel 10/06/19 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Romans 1–8 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: Romans 9-11: God's Sovereign Purpose
Hannah: Portrait of a Godly Mother 05/12/19 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: 1 Samuel 1:1-20, I Samuel 2:1-10 | Speaker: Brian G. Hedges
Take Up the Helmet of Salvation 03/03/19 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-20 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: Dressing for Battle: Gospel Armor for the Fight of Faith
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery 12/24/17 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Luke 2:1-24 | Speaker: Brian G. Hedges
The Hope of Glory 09/04/16 Bible Text: Romans 8:18-27 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: Romans 8: Our Security in Christ
Rejoicing in Suffering and Glory 11/01/15 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: 1 Peter: Faith, Suffering, and Glory
Living Hope, Tested Faith, Glorious Joy 08/09/15 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: 1 Peter 1:3-12 | Speaker: Brian G. HedgesSeries: 1 Peter: Faith, Suffering, and Glory