Discover Ways You Can Serve at Redeemer Church
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said that the reason the Lord has gifted the church with spiritual leaders is so that they will “equip the saints for the work of ministry.” The work of ministry, in other words, is for all the saints, not just the supposedly spiritually elite. So, at Redeemer Church, we’re committed to both helping people identify their gifts and talents and giving them opportunities to lead and serve others for the good of people both inside and outside the church.
One of the best ways to use your gifts to serve others is to join one of our Ministry Teams. Here is a list of the ministry teams, along with the name of each team’s leader. If you’re interested in joining, use the contact form below to send an e-mail to our staff, or talk to one of the staff or team leaders next time you come to our church campus.
- Strategic Planning Team (Brian Hedges)
- Missions (Marv Newell)
- Worship (Stephen Hedges) *audition required
- Student Ministries (Justin Reemtsma) *background check required
- Children’s Ministry Director (Kathy Eby) *background check required
- Nursery/Tiny Tots Coordinator (Kathy Eby) *background check required
- Diaconate (Tom Sullivan)
- Guest Services (Jenni Lindgren)
- Hospitality (ElAyne Hayden)
- Property (Tim Smith)
- Stewardship (Walt Talbot)
- Building and Property Improvements (Curt Miles)
- Events planning (Sydney Graczyk)
- Graphic design
- Photography
- Small Group Leadership (Brad O’Dell) *training required
Our Welcome Center has descriptions of select Volunteer positions. Or, to inquire further, see one of our ministry team leaders, use the form below, or send an email to info@redeemer.ch.