Walking in New Life 07/30/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 3:5-11 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Setting Our Minds Above 07/23/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-4 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
False vs. True Faith 07/16/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 2:8-23 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
The Full Knowledge of Christ 07/09/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 2:1-7 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
The Supremacy of Christ 06/25/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 1:15-23 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
A Vision for our Christian Lives 06/18/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 1:9-14 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Evidences of the True Gospel 06/11/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Colossians 1:1-8 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Colossians: Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Jesus, Simon, and the Sinful Woman: On Love 04/30/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Luke 7:36-50 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Luke: Conversations with Jesus
Jesus and Zacchaeus: On Salvation 04/16/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Luke 19:1-10 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Luke: Conversations with Jesus
The Coming of the King 04/02/23 (Sunday Morning) Listen Bible Text: Luke 19:28-44 | Speaker: Brad O'DellSeries: Holy Week (Luke 19-24)